Kate Costello, MS, CNS, LDN
Kate is a licensed nutritionist and a Certified Nutrition Specialist who practices Integrative Nutrition by evaluating patients for food sensitivities that cause inflammation, pain and other chronic problems, micronutrient deficiencies, and emphasizing the healing power of whole-food nutrition.
With graduate degrees in Nutrition and Health Coaching from the Maryland University of Integrative Health and years of clinical experience, Kate works with complex issues that include, but are not limited to:
- Autoimmune conditions
- Blood glucose dysregulation
- Childhood nutritional needs
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Food sensitivities
- Hormone imbalances
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Anxiety and depression
Obesity is one of the major causes for insulin resistance, chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, hyperlipidemia, and a host of other conditions that adversely impact our health. Many people don’t realize that a 10% decrease in body weight can reduce chronic back, hip, and knee pain by 50%! The Standard American Diet, full of hidden calories, sugar, salt, omega-6, hydrogenated fats, and in some cases, growth and stress hormones make it difficult for many people to maintain a healthy weight and body fat percentage. Kate will help you to make the lifestyle and nutritional adjustments that will help you feel better and keep you motivated and on track.
Nutritional testing will be available for diagnosing micronutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and/or IgG-mediated food sensitivities.
Kate can be contacted directly at kate@wildcraftedwellness.net